Bulli's Blip

*A stolen photo from Bulliblips!*

I actually haven't taken ANY photos today, but was sent this (and others!) by Bulliblips - thanks Suz!

Today was a fiesta, so no school for Asha...she needed a quiet day, so the timing was perfect. We hoped to go to the pool this morning,but got there and it was all locked up...could've guessed it would have been...poor Asha was v disappointed. Then a quick jaunt over to San An to put all borrowed stuff back into the Clayton's flat...odd not to have Z's high-chair at the end of the table!

And then an afternoon of films, on the sofa, under a duvet, whilst it bucketed it down outside....a day to be indoors!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A lovely day with Asha - although this pic isn't from today, it could still be quite representative!
2) Connecting (such a '24-7 prayer' word!) with a woman who is part of the 24-7 network...We've swapped a few messages and I already feel hugely encouraged by her!
3) A delicious salad for lunch...and discovering the bakery was open (despite the fiesta) & getting amazing bread to go with it!

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