Gotcha, ya little bugger!

The summer heat has all but gone and to celebrate the handful of months where the temperature is lovely and the ACs can be switched off, the mosquitos come out. Silent, invisible, biting little buggers.

Mother Nature, it seems, is not without a sense of humour.

On the plus, there are various methods of killing them, some of which can be very enjoyable.

Method 1 - Killing Machine
A little device that plugs into the wall socket and release an odourless, harmless-to-humans fragrance that makes mosquitos drop dead. Very clever and very effective.

Method 2 - Blunt Force Trauma
This method requires using an everyday object to end the mosquito's pointless existence. Today, Larissa (or Mrs david_seventy*seven, to use the correct Blip terminology!) used one of my favourite books to nail the little sucker you see in the picture above. Satisfying, but with both the book and the wall getting all messed up, it's not ideal in the long term.

Method 3 - The Hand-Clap
Quite simply, wait until the pesky insect is between your left and right hand, then bring them together with enough force to squash it. This method is great fun, and can lead to some pretty intense competition with Larissa.

It's worth pointing out that mosquitos are usually too quick to be Hand-Clapped to death. It's only when they're full of blood that they become slow and groggy in the air, making them far more susceptible to death by human hands.

Mother Nature, it seems, is not without a sense of irony either.

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