
By LadyYakAlot


At this time of remembrance it is usual to see poppies everywhere; from the various different types worn by people, to public displays on buildings and monuments and to planning poppy drops for Remembrance Sunday. The poppy is and always will be a symbol of a time to stop, remember and reflect … on conflict certainly, but I feel on life in general. However I like the poppy at any time of year, which is why I have this lovely quilt on my bed (which I was glad to get into after a busy day!). I also have my Tower of London poppy downstairs as well.

With all the hustle and bustle it is good to stop and reflect and today I felt in a very reflective mood (some would just say moody!!). Today was particularly busy with a trying day at work (some people really try your patience!) and a panto rehearsal this evening. I wasn’t looking forward to going out on a dark wet November evening but the enthusiasm of the actors, particularly the youngsters is great to see as they start to put life into their role. It is a great confidence booster to me in my first year of directing to see that the choices of people to roles appear to be working so far!

So I did enjoy the rehearsal but I was still very glad to get to my bed … with the poppies … which make me stop and reflect …

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