Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Japanese Garden..., Lake Sacajawea, Longview, WA.  Another difficult decision as to what to feature for my Blip.  And after taking a lot of photos and then fussing with them for over an hour last night, I forgot to even put this entry up!  Silly me.  So, here it is...a day late and a dollar short.  I went with this one because, overall, there are few trees at the park that put out red leaves. And we went on the right day and time to get access to the little island that has this garden. And I have to say, each Autumn is different at the Lake.  I don't know if we will ever see it look like THIS again. Only a few years and one day apart with these two photos. I know I showed you this a few weeks ago.  What you are looking at in this image is the island that the Japanese Garden is on.  Hence the cute little bridge and all. 

 Lake Sacajawea is a large park and one can take the nearly 4 mile hike that totally surrounds the park or you can have a shorter walk as streets bisect the park at a couple of intervals. We did the long walk once and now we opt for the shorter route, and this walk is the prettiest part of the park and has the Japanese Garden.  I could spend the day at this park with my camera in hand and covering every square inch.  Maybe one day I will!  Who knows.  The day was much cooler and I was glad I had my warm coat.  I was regretting not having a scarf, but as we walked and warmed up that way,  the 47 degree temperature didn't seem an issue any more.  However, Bill did regret not throwing his hat in the car.  Live and learn.  We drove around Longview and saw more of that town and ended up in Kelso, which we ended up in by crossing a bridge over a small river.  Since I have never explored those towns, only blowing by the exit routes to them from the freeway, I didn't realize they were so close to one another.  And we found a restaurant that we'd spied on a previous trip.  It was a really cute place that features lots of fish, so we had the fish and chips. Pretty good, too.

Fascinating, isn't this? Bwahahahahaha !  Not. 

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