Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Something cheery and bright

Nothing like a bit of bright colour to brighten up a dull day - pink gerberas to the rescue! Surprisingly warm for this time of year, but wet and mizzly today.

I met a friend for coffee this morning at a new café in our village. It has newly opened in premises that were occupied by a very pedestrian and unattractive café, but now it is buzzy and a very popular place with all the locals. It is called Bronte and I think the owner may have some link to Australia if only in the quality of its excellent coffee. At last great coffee has come to Surrey!

It has been proposed that universities in England can raise tuition fees if they can demonstrate high quality teaching. I am not sure how I feel about that - on the one hand, it will push universities to increase their standards of teaching, on the other hand some students will be forced to go to universities of a poorer standard due to financial reasons.

Gavin is back from Australia today, and it will be good to see him again.

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