
By chantler63

Grasshead Shadow

I gathered a few of these grass heads on the dog walk yesterday following my theme of beautiful features 'on the doorstep'.  To make a change from the black backgrounds of the past few blips I decided to go for a white background and just shoot the shadow.  This did take a bit of fiddling around with light sources, directions, intensity etc etc!  As we all know, light is 'everything' and I have learned a lot about directionality and other things in doing this. 

It is hard to get a shadow in focus to start with and then to focus on that was extremely difficult - so starting with something that is not perfectly defined is not the best  - but it was interesting.  Maybe another day I'll just focus on the actual grass seeds rather than their shadow and then I can get the focus precise!

Having got a few pleasing shots of the grass shadow, I had read something about colouring images through filters that can be applied in Lightroom. So I gave it a try - interesting!  

Now I must go and tidy up my studio - otherwise known as 'the kitchen'!

I looked after youngest granddaughter for a couple of hours this morning - such a sweetie. Most of the time she was asleep on my lap so the task was not onerous!

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