
By strawhouse

Summer Days?

What a difference a day makes!!!
My children were lovely today! It helped that Miss E was at school all day but she was sweet in the small window we had!!
Apparently she spent all day telling everyone that Mummy had run in the race and she was very proud! That makes the humiliation of coming last by a mile completely worth it!
And Miss L has been an angel! After dropping Miss E off we carried on to John Lewis. I know it sounds like I spend every waking hour in there but I really don't!! We had a lovely mooch about and I spent a few more wedding vouchers. It's amazing having free shopping sprees!!
Then we went for lunch.
At 1130. I ask you!!!!!
Well Miss E had lunch and I had coffee. I have put on 11lbs since my wedding (eek!!!!) and enough's enough! My clothes don't fit and I look like a big fat porker! So it's back to the gym, pilates, swimming and healthy eating. I know I can do it, it's just keeping on doing it.....
Miss L was so good - she walked around with me and was chatting away about everything. I really enjoy time with them on their own and they like it too. It's so special.
And then she had a fabulous time at swimming. She's hated it the last few weeks and I was starting to worry but today she was back to normal and loved it. Yay!!!!!

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