Lazy Blip of Munlochy Bay in the last minutes of the day. This one looked better than the ones with with some bloke looking up at the stars... he'd trouble staying still for thirty seconds.

Not a good start to the day. Back was fairly bad this morning. After an age spent trying to roll out of bed, without gritting the teeth too much, had to crawl on hands and knees to the bathroom. The ten yards took several minutes, and required a lie down at the end... whereupon I briefly passed out. Attempting to get upright resulted in more passing out, a fat lip, and an unknown length of time lying in a position that seemed to relieve a lot of the pain. The house ain't warm (13 to 14 degrees C), and in spite of only wearing a T-shirt, I was sweating buckets. What fun...

Less than hour later and breakfast had been had, was washed and shaved, and the household chores were being dealt with. Care was required throughout the day, for all kinds of movement. It was more of a shuffle than a walk to reach this familiar spot for the above snap. Didn't dare venture any further.

Think this mad loon got away without raising the neighbours eyebrows,  raking up a load of the leaves that were covering the back grass/weed patch... in near total darkness. With high winds and rain forecast, there'll be another batch there tomorrow.

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