Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Readme - A new magazine for Haltwhistle

We had a long but productive committee meeting this morning. The Spring Festival programme is well under way but there was a lot of sort out. Then we had the very important job of discussing succession planning for when Marie and Tony retire from the committee next year. We were devastated when they announced their decision, but the way ahead looks a lot clearer now.

After the meeting I popped in to meet the lovely people at Readme which is a new magazine for Haltwhistle and surrounding areas. They are based in one of the shops in the main street. In the Jan/Feb edition they will feature the Haltwhistle Walking Festival. I now need to write some copy and produce photographs for them to use.

Diane and Mel are both local people and their business partner, Andrew, has lived in town for a few years. I hope we can support them with ideas for future editions. This could help to put the west of Tynedale on the map.

I went to the inaugural meeting of the Tynedale Photo Group tonight. Very interesting with 6 people showing samples of their work.

The weather is very wild and one road from the village is closed because a tree has come down. The temperature is very unseasonal at 16 degrees C!

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