
Today got off to an awful start - arguing about homework, arguing about cleaning teeth, arguing that black is white......
Then it got better - dropping them off at school!
Then it went downhill again - a call from school at 11am saying that Miss E was complaining about her tooth and wanting medicine.
Then it got better again - pilates, a trip to the shop to put in all my Christmas cards and swap all the summer ones for other more general ones I've had printed, and home to make a vat of scrummy spicy butternut squash soup.
Then I got another - fairly pissy - call from school saying Miss E was complaining again and didn't want to do Art Club after school.
When will it end?
Then it all went even further downhill and I spent most of the evening rowing with Miss E and being horrible to her about homework, forgotten piano books, and homework not being handed in...... What's the point of arguing about it all the time if she's not going to hand in the sodding stuff when it's finished?!!
So Miss E's miserable and I feel like the worst mother in the world.
Not one of our better days.

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