
By pensionspoet


Just one of my many collections - but quite special. As you can see this collection of birthday, Christmas, valentine and ordinary postcards lives in a small box (under my bed). It came to me as a ready made collection when the owner/receiver and sometimes sender of the cards passed away. The post cards in particular are interesting to read as well as look at. They span the early 1900's - from about 1907 through to mid 1930's. I love the language, the handwriting and the content. They hold happy and sad sentiment, but most of all they bring people to life.

Will our text messages and emails do that for future generations? I think not.

I had a busy day today and left work at 4 to go to Henry's school for our first parents evening, the Cromer Academy way. Henry received positive comments and genuine praise from all the teachers. We felt very proud.

I grabbed chips on my way home and Jon cooked eggs to go with them. Then I packed my car up as I'm going to Cambridge from work tomorrow evening.

So going back to the postcards. Think about putting pen to paper over the weekend. It means so much more receiving something heartfelt through the post.

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