BikerBear's Contrived Blip ......

 .............. number 2.

Say what you see .... see what you say ...... I don't think this is too difficult (but then I thought of it) - you might like to guess what this could actually be. 
 ( For inspiration and possible guidance see my previous contrived blip )

UPDATE:  fairweathergirl has been really kind and sporting, thinks she has the right answer and doesn't want to spoil it for others ...... if you would care to do that as well, please feel free to put your answer on any of my 1500+ previous blips (picked at random) ........  

I haven't managed to look through all the FlowerFriday Challenge entries yet - sorry - a combination of busy, busy and mouth pain (after the dentist) so the BikerBear Hearts and HMs will be sprinkled tomorrow.

Thank you for all your comments, stars and hearts over the past few days.  Always very much appreciated.

~ Anni ~

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