Anoher brick in the wall?

November's Mono Monday is a musical one hosted by GoranZebuhr, with thanks to him. Today's theme is Another Brick In The Wall by Pink Floyd, and I've used the one brick I have (as you do ;-), mine's got a hole in it and a little cord, but my thumb is hiding that, a token I'm an honorary member of a student building society) and our kitchen floor and some Snapseed editing including rotation and a grunge filter to create the image.

This being the Monday after the atrocities in Paris and seeing loads of misleading fingerpointing plus the usual conspiracy theories I do feel more like hitting a brick wall or hitting a wall with the brick, to be honest, but that might damage the floor. And it wouldn't be very productive.

Thanks to those who saw, read and commented to my rant yesterday, I'm still mad about that, I know, not productive either, but what can you do ? "we don't need no thought control" says one of the lines of the Pink Floyd song, that's something that the media of all sides certainly seem to want to do though.

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