Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

The Lake District - Day One

I am now in the Lake District - there has been so much rain over the last week that many areas are flooded and one of the main roads to get to Braithwaite was closed yesterday due to a landslide.  

This morning we knew the rain would hold off for most of the day but there was a 20 mile wind and it was extremely cold. John took us to the Manesty Woods where we photographed views of the woods from above, as seen here, and then we went into the woods where we saw the most incredible sights of flooding throughout. I have added extra photos.

Last night I also got the bad news that Adam's blood tests indicated that he has glandular fever. He is feeling very ill and as it is a viral infection there is not much he can do, other than rest as much as possible. The doctor told him it can take about 6 weeks to get over it, and he is concerned as he is feeling rotten and has so much university work to do

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