Money talks, money matters

The day broke with long-awaited sun light but the message alert from Emily turned out to be a rather disheartened one - the application was rejected, due to a couple of details which, to me, are not the point! 

For example, they asked to see my month bank statements as evidence that my university has been paying the said salary into my account, despite all the important documents such as bank statements, P60, pay slips and university employment letters.

Borrowing my editorial terminology, that belongs to the minor/major revision category. But those officials are from the different world, fair enough. I overpaid and thought it would rid off risks (a Chinese superstitious saying) but eventually it didn't work miracles. 

I could see Emily's clouded face but I was too busy to comfort her, or even couldn't be bothered to do anything immediately.

On my work side, posters went out successfully. But there was a disagreement with my shopping list of the sweets/snacks (remember the 'individually wrapped' condition?) through Amazon or TESCO. Money matters! 

So I had to do Monday shopping - thanks to the short-notice cancellation of tomorrow's session by the Sports team - the results were half positive and half negative - Chinese sweets were much cheaper locally while Polish stuff cheaper online. I saved money at the cost of my time.

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