
By Realgrumpytyke

Eggs for Christmas (Tiny Tuesday)

I like to avoid 'Christmas' as much as possible until Christmas Eve (my mother put up the tree on this evening after we children were in bed so Christmas morning was truly magical). However, as deadline for my village page in the December issue of a local magazine is today I had to think about it to write a Christmas message, and decide what to do to illustrate it. I plumped for some of the items which go on our Christmas tree.
Not having much time today (hence the crude lighting) I thought they might make a good blip for Tiny Tuesday.
The decorated eggs (more correctly egg shells) from the Romanian Bucovina are traditionally associated with Easter, but as part of a project I ran there, aiming to provide a cash income for the talented women who produce them, some Christmas designs which can be hung on the tree were introduced (to be sold to tourists, and exported).
The basic design is "written" in beeswax with a TINY 'pen' called a chișița (kishitsa).
The TINY supports I commissioned from a woodcarver in the lovely old town of Rădăuți as normal egg cups hid too much of the design.
The TINY plates in traditional designs I brought back from Romania this year as little presents for friends.
Many thanks to JDO for hosting Tiny Tuesday.w

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