
If he gets grubby on this particular walk, we encourage him to have a wee plunge in this nice clear wee pool to get the worst of the muck off.

You are thinking I have underexposed to make it look dark here. No it was dark.

Good as his word I heard back today from the estate manager about the injured young hind. He has located it and it is within a semi natural enclosure affording reasonable protection from the worst of the weather. Not surprisingly, she is limping badly, but A hopes to get a closer look to see if he can help.

Pedigree have removed my image from the top of their Twitter site and its association with the smartphone app. They have also acknowledged that the initial denial of our claim on their twitter page (viewable to the whole world) was not acceptable. The online press review of the app in the daily mail still features my image of Caley..

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