
Birgit picked me up at 8:30am today and we headed for Raleigh as she needed to shop for a dress for a particular event. The above is an example of what my walker looks like when we go into a store! We walk about looking at things and anything we think might tickle our fancy goes over the bar until a good selection of garments have been collected.

We took a break a lunch to eat with her son Chris, that works in the area, and then it was back to serious shopping. We only stopped when it was realized that it was late enough that we could meet Chris & his girlfriend Mary for dinner!

I had put my walking tracker on while we were shopping and we walked 4.13 miles today. Maybe that burned off the calories from the awesome desserts we had at lunch?!

Made it home again at 9:30pm - long day. Think I should sleep well. :-)

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