Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Tagged and paint

I can understand wanting to cover up tagging on one's wall. To do that, I can understand painting the whole wall. I can even understand painting a patch over the offending tag/s. What I fail to understand is tracing the tag in a different, usually lighter, colour.

Bettr on Flickr.

Fantastic plastic on K-30.

Today is a fantastic day. In the midst of the emotional turmoil of dad's surgery, I received some of the best (unrelated) news I could have imagined. As I've been showing in some recent photos, I've rediscovered my passion for karate. I'm too far from the Chidokan dojo in North Sydney to get there to train, which was disappointing. 

The other day I emailed Jack Sims kancho sensei, who I trained under three decades ago. I just expressed my gratitude, memories, and admiration, with a hope he'd reply and agree to meet me when I'm in Auckland, but not much else (in the email).  This morning he's replied: he remembers me - and I think he really did, as he mentioned another guy who trained with me - and his son (who I trained with) passed on his regards.

Then the amazing bit: kancho went on to say that another past student made contact some months back, and was similarly not able to get to a dojo. Kancho set him a syllabus, and reviewed his progress by video, and has offered to do so for me.

That. Was. My. Unspoken. Fantasy.

I was overcome.

Srsly; tears.

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