A Splash of Deep Purple

This morning I had to take some shoes to get repaired and on my way home I called into Abberley Park. The morning was really warm and by the time I got to the park the strong Nor-West winds picked up and I was blown around the park. It was hard to get any really sharp shots because everything was moving so much.

In the park they have a paddling pool and a mother and her toddler were having a lot of fun in the water. The woman said to me that her son would cry each time they are been in the park since the pool was filled three weeks ago, as he wanted to go in. It has always been far too cold to go in up until today with it being so warm. I think it may have up to around 27c at once stage.

When I got home I thought I better get the washing in as it clouded over and looked like rain.. but no rain came. Then later in the day the clouds all disappear again.

I made my Christmas Cake this afternoon and it is still in the oven. I like to cook them long and slow.

This beautiful golden yellow iris was the only one left out in the park and it looked so lovely. I did take a lot shots of the roses but the wind just wouldn't stop blowing.

Yellow Iris
you're so tall
and slim
with your golden
standing by the waters
your long limbs
reaching down.

Rooted to the spot
you are
stately, elegant
and proud,
gathered by the margin,
growing with the crowd.

by Sally Plumb

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