twinned with trumpton


So I let her sleep, did the dishes, cooked breakfast, and then conscious of the day ebbing away, kicked her out of bed and off we went to the bank, then Haggs - to meet the de facto Maw in Law (albeit briefly) I got a TV out of it, so can't complain. Then her sister (again briefly) before heading north to Stirling to see her soon to be 21 y.o. son. Resplendent in boxers and a t shirt, we plied him with coffee and a bacon roll (briefly) before heading back to town.
She had to work, so I tidied and wilfed for tennis rackets before finally heading home, dumping the car and setting out for the Café Royal.

I don't do people photos, so, here's
of the mayhem that I got embroiled in.

With impending work on Sunday, I baled out around 7, nabbed this shot of the motel opposite the Guildford and was safely tucked up in bed with Hardback for bedtime reading by midnight*

*Possibly earlier

Extra is her outside her lad's pad in Stirling

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