Sunshine and Showers

It was so still this morning when I went for a walk. The gales and showers had disappeared overnight and it felt warmer in sheltered spots. I noticed these plants on the edge of a field just down the road. I'm pretty sure it's wild fennel as we do have a lot of it around here. Looks better with the black background.

This afternoon we went down to town and joined in a peaceful protest march that TheAphid has blipped today. It was follow up to the demonstration we were a part of back in June. All the local media were there so it'll be interesting to see if we're on camera at some point.

Goran Zebuhr has posted his pre Mono Monday and says "the theme for tomorrow's Mono Monday challenge will be Bike Hopefully you could find inspiration from the title or the lyrics of this older Pink Floyd tune.   Spotify link here and lyrics here.
Remember to tag your entries mm95 - otherwise they might pass unnoticed."

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