Rose White

Sorry my blip is going up late it is because I came down with a migraine. I am still a little under the weather but feeling so much better now.

Over night I didn't sleep at all well and that is why I got the migraine as a lack of sleep seems to always bring them on. I didn't feel too bad in the morning and went and done some shopping. it wasn't until after lunch the migraine started. So spent most of the afternoon resting in a dark room.

This is one of our neighbours roses which is looking so beautiful appearing over the fence at us. We are so lucky to have a neighbour that loves her garden and is just about in it everyday. I would say she is in her mid 80's and still so fit.

White Rose
The sun's rays are on a garden's white roses.
Reflections dance brush like,
Painting white, yellow and pink colours,
So proud of themselves as the guard of innocence
They make no pretension to the beauty challenge.

Instantaneous whispers of happiness rise from the roses,
As if all time would hide in the beauty of this moment.
The poet's pen is not strong enough to tell of their melody.
The roses know this and smile to her silently.

By Fide Erken

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