shotlandka's weebig world

By shotlandka

Distillery Open Day

My niece called last night to see if I would take her up to the Isle of Arran Distillers Open Day (Malt and Music Festival) to help at the Pirnmill Primary stall. The school - my old school - is celebrating its centenary this year and the kids have been doing a great variety of creative projects, and were selling the fruits of their collaborations with local craftsmen. These ranged from paving stones, mugs, plates and tiles, chocolate lollipops as well as scarves and ties made of a new tartan designed by one of the pupils in colours chosen for their significance to the school and notelets with their designs on them. The stall attracted some famous faces, principal among them a well known poet from the Ayrshire coast, a Mr Robert Burns, who was reading from his work as part of the Malt and Music Festival. My conclusion - Abi is quite the saleswomen.

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