Photographic musings

By Wheeliebloke


Welcome to my humble abode. So today's entry is 'Fear', chosen by me at PW's behest. As soon as I chose the theme, I knew what my fear was going to be, what it is, but how do you capture that with the camera? Without being overly melodramatic, my fear is that I won't find someone to share my life with. That I'll be sitting at home on my own watching porn. My very good friend blipped earlier and to use her words, 'I fear being alone'. I know that we all fundamentally want the same thing. We, as people, have the same needs; Maslow described these in his Hierarchy of Needs (google it). Largely, according to the hierarchy, my needs are fulfilled. My life is on the whole, pretty good, I don't have much to complain about, I'm sure the same goes for most people. Life is better when it's shared though, I feel. I suppose it's understandable that I feel this fear now more than any other time having just had a relationship end.

There's so much more that I could write here but I won't. You get the gist. Until I'm in a better place, I'll still be given these challenges which force me to be introspective and to confront my fears. Hopefully, then my posts will be a little more cheery. I'll be back to my usual self. One can live in hope, eh?

Oh, and for the record, I don't have a subscription to the adult channel. Honest. 

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