A delight!

It was such a delight to have my family, my boys & their wives, visit us for Thanksgiving. Since the kids all enjoyed looking at old photo books with pictures of Dallas & Decklin growing up, I also retrieved some of the stories they wrote in Grade School that I had saved. These stories were books, with covers, dedications (to my late pet gerbil), hand drawn illustrations and typed pages -the teachers helped with that. Above you see Liz enjoying Dallas' story, The Mold in the Apple Juice! They were all funny and imaginative. My favorite of Decklin's stories is The Royal Mice. 

It was a tiny bit tiring, but most wonderful to have both of my grown sons and their wives visiting for a few days. I brought them to the airport at 5:30 this morning. Such a treat to spend thanksgiving with them. I can't remember the last time I was together with them for this holiday! Dallas used his phone to search YouTube for Alice's Restaurant. I had completely forgotten Dallas' tradition of playing this ballad by Arlo Guthrie every Thanksgiving Day. To be on the dock waiting for Steve (to pick us up via boat) for the feast and hear this traditional song again really made me smile.

The day the kids arrived -Tuesday, we went over to Lucas Boatworks together on Dave Lucas' boat, The Helen Marie. I took lots of photos -well, with 7 people and 4 dogs on board, plus visiting the Boatworks itself, there was ample opportunity for picture taking! 
I used the photos to put together an animoto video of our afternoon. :O)
with gratitude, lenna

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