A rose by any other name

Our girls have won two basketball games this afternoon. They've 'helped' me with my marking and report writing and we've eaten ice cream.

On top of that, we've straightened our hair and been to Mass.

Dinner is cooking (Chicken and chips with carrots, broccoli and gravy - the girls' choice!) and the dog has been fed. 

All in all, a very productive day. The floors need vacuuming and the shower needs a scrub, but the girls are happy, even if the house is a mess!

Mr B has been raising money for people who need a bit of help this Christmas, so he's been racing around today.

He also has laryngitis, which isn't much fun for him. It's very quiet around here! Who am I kidding? It's not him that makes the noise with three girls in the house this weekend!

Night all.


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