My Life in Pictures

By PhillyStitcher

1/365: morning walk in the rain

Every morning, around 9:30, rain or shine, Newby takes the dogs out for a walk through the woods beyond our backyard. But it's one dog at a time, so Newby gets a pretty good workout. He claims it isn't enough for his cardio, so he goes to the park for his 5-mile walk later in the afternoon.

I haven't exercised all month, so I'm in lots of pain, feeling very uncomfortable. I was going to walk outside, but as it's raining, I plan to hop on the treadmill and do my PT leg exercises after lunch.

My Facebook newsfeed is filled with political news these days, and I'm trying very hard not to hit the "unfriend" button...some people can be so vitriol in their postings. It's going to be a very long year, I fear.

Currently reading: "Heart of Palm" by Laura Lee Smith.

Currently watching: "Time Between" on Netflix (now on Episode 11 of 17).

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