The Jollity Continues

Though not at work, where a new guy has joined the team. He squatted on the vacant seat diagonally opposite me and sent an email to introduce himself. He then held forth to my neighbour about the supposed strengths of agile methodologies and how everywhere he'd worked had no idea about how to implement them. Deloitte, he said, rolling his eyeballs, clueless. I hope my secret Santa is a baseball bat.
But ce soir it was off to see Billy Bragg, at the Queens Hall. In as good form as ever, though I can't help but feel that I prefer his more thoughtful and personal stuff - and indeed his Woody Guthrie back catalogue. And attempting to tie in Corbyn, old leftism, new leftism and Scottish yessers is maybe overlooking some of the errr, nuances of the current scene. And ill will. Still, everybody sing along now..
The union forever defending our rights
Down with the blackleg, all workers unite
With our brothers and our sisters from many far off lands
There is power in a union....

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