Time off for good behaviour

I had a day off today!  

Four glorious months since little un moved in with us and aside from two hours to do a photography job a couple of weeks ago, I haven't been away from her at all... Day and night, bath time, bed time, play time, going to the toilet,  you name it and we've been doing it together,  but today I had my first day off and it was a total day of indulgence whilst Dave stayed home with little un...

I headed into town at 11... I drove in listening to radio 4 and didn't have to sing the wheels on the bus at all..

My handbag was small and didn't contain any nappies or cuddly toys, I even put on some make up

I had a sandwich in a cafe 

I went for a massage... ( courtesy of last year's christmas present from my boss... I've never had a massage before,  only physio which isn't the same thing at all... It was very relaxing, although when she reached my neck and shoulders she did ask me if I'd had an injury or car accident and if I was on any medication for it... I guess it shows the old neck tension problems are starting to resurface again...  Anyway, it felt amazing,  and I'll be saving up to do it again some time...)

I then had a cuppa and a piece of cake and went for a look around the bookshop... (admittedly I only looked in the kids section and bought a sticker book for little un,  but it was still a nice change)

I then went for a haircut,  hence the gratuitous 'feel free to compliment me on my lovely hairdo selfie' 

Then I was back in time for tea, and gave Dave and my girl the biggest kisses and cuddles possible... I had my usual bath with little un and a bit of fight convincing her it was bedtime,  but now she's peacefully asleep and I'm sat on the sofa with Dave finishing the day with a cheeky mini bottle of prosecco... 

Don't now when I'll get to do it again but I feel recharged now :-) 

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