Best Gardeners Ever

This is Raven on the right and her daughter Tsonsera. Raven is our gardener and her daughter comes to help her quite often. They are the best gardeners we've ever had. They work really hard. Raven always calculates their time by deleting any breaks they take. She is scrupulous and I have to monitor things to be sure we pay her and her daughter what they deserve. And they take real pride in their work. Today they brought the last load of bark to complete mulching our whole garden. It is hard work and they really dig in. I've known Raven since I worked at the community college and was supervisor of tutors. Raven was a math tutor. I didn't realize she did gardening until after I retired. I love having her take care of the yard. She does just what I always wanted our previous gardeners to do but they never quite got it. She does.

Today Arvin, Helena and I went to the Bellingham Music Club to see Jeremy Berry and Michael Refvem perform. Jeremy plays the viola with amazing skill and grace. And Michael can make any piano sound like a subtle and amazing instrument. They were magical together. Jeremy grew up in Bellingham and his mom Karen introduced them at the club performance. Then the three of them joined the usual group of us for lunch at Mykonos, a good local Greek restaurant. We had a great time.

Now Helena is home and Arvin is taking a nap. I'm doing my blip and soon Steve will arrive for a game of Carcassonne and dinner. I like this kind of day.

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