Dining Room Decorations

Thank you all for your kind words on yesterday's blip. They really do help and I am touched by your concern and support. Yesterday ended very well with a party of the Alzheimer's support group and their loved ones. We were a bit late because Arvin's bus got home late, but that didn't stop us from having a rollicking good time. There was much laughter and good eating. Janet was the hostess and she really knows how to make folks feel at home. She was mellow when I accidentally dropped the jar of apple sauce on our way out. Crash it went and slopped apple sauce and glass shards on their hall floor. That slate is really very unforgiving. But J just mopped it all up with help from Cheryl and others while I stood there feeling a bit embarrassed. No problem they all said and soon everything was back to normal. I refuse to think that the red wine I drank had a thing to do with it.

Today I worked on a new book I'm making for Arvin. Shhh. Don't breathe a word. It is a memory book with many of the same photos I used for the Greymatters app on his iPad. I figured it would be nice to have a book of the same kind of thing. And I got a good deal from Travelzoo on a Shutterfly book.

I went with Helena to an appointment today and it went well. She seemed more chipper today and that made us all feel very happy. Then we shopped and came home. She and Arvin are napping now and I'm fiddling on the computer. I did an emergency blip today and faffed around with Topaz filters to make this painterly version of our dining room with decorations on the windows. I don't get a tree anymore. Just put up ornaments on a draping chain with lights. They look good and no trees are cut down or harmed to make this holiday display. And it is way easier to put away at the end of the season.

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