
Don't panic! It may not happen! All the same, as we taught the Girl Guides and the Boy Scouts, The Man and I are "being prepared"!

We are very aware of the lack of any response from the Captain of the good ship Polariodblipfoto. We feel we are the drifting without a crew. We have had no response to our emails. 

So why worry now? Well, we noticed that the payment for the domain name for this site needs to be paid on 15/12/15 and expires 18/12/15. It may well be like mine are, on direct debit, and will be cleared soon. That will be great!

Did you know, by the way, that was registered as a domain name on 18/12/13, over a year before Joe revealed to us on 2/1/15 that this merger was happening?

So what have we done? Two things. As seen here, a quick and easy back-up with blipper, LooseCanon's app BackBlip, editable using an App he has created for a Word doc, and gives high res image, date and text. Secondly, I have been using blipper, lumpysimon's Wordpress App, to get an editable website for the family, if The Daughters wish to join us in The Kane Gang.

My website, up and running, but far from finished, here it is:   I have actually worked out that I could copy and paste comments, as a block, so that I also have them they mean so much to me, but with 2451 entries, that won't happen!

HINT: with the importer for Wordpress I tick to allow a second image to come in with the text, this is the correct proportion and not cropped if in portrait mode. Over time I will have to go through and hit "Delete featured image" from them all, but I'm happier with that set-up.

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