The tracks of my tears

Fell off my bike last night. On the rollers in the hallway. Been cycling for 40 minutes, let go with my left hand to check my watch, steering veered to the right, front wheel came off the rollers and gravity seized its moment and pulled me unceremoniously to the floor. Falling off your bike is one thing, but doing it whilst clipped to your pedals so that you can do nothing to prevent your fall and doing it in the confines of your hallway so that you smear your face on the chest of drawers on your way down is something else. To add to my indignity, I was then trapped wedged between the hall cupboard and afore mentioned chest of draws and pinned down by my bike. Luckily Diana was in and came to my rescue. I have a bruised forearm (elbow to wrist), a bruised hand and a bruised knee.  Never mind, I'll have another go tonight but I will use a kitchen timer and keep both hands on the handlebars this time.

Out for dinner with Tim tonight. Asked on boys night who wanted a lift when we go out for our badminton Xmas meal. Tim said he needed to bring me up to speed on that count. Oh dear, looks like we are on the downward slope of that roller coaster of a relationship. I hope there are a few more ups to come and that he is not at the end of the ride.

Just seen the message from blipcentral and read what little material there is about this 'investment' opportunity. It's not for me, much as I love blip. Their track record with people's money stinks, their communication is non existent and as best I can see, this is simply a way of raising additional capital with no promise what so ever of a return for those who invest and no evidence that they have a business model that will keep blip alive once that capital has been exhausted.

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