Making Something Nice Day 2

The say you shouldn't let people see things half-done, but the end-user doesn't know it's being made so won't be disappointed by this rough stage of her 18th birthday present!

Yesterday I had biscuited two book-matched pieces of English walnut for the lid: today I cut it to size and put it past the router to make a tongue to fit the groove in the sides.

Yesterday I blipped the sycamore sides that I had mitred: today I glued the mitred sides together having encased the base and lid in the grooves.

To increase the strength of the gluing and to add a decorative feature I have been gluing in these walnut slips across the mitre. It's the first time I've done this type of joint, I've normally done dove-tails. Kaybee, you know quite well that I won't be leaving these rough bits of wood sticking out like this!

The pencil line is where the lid will be cut from the box.

I hope I get on well with this, I've less than 16 years left to finish it!

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