Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Mistletoe and Wine

After putting  up my Chrismtas tree, it was only fitting that I would start buying and wrapping up some presents for everyone. Thankfully I started shopping ages ago but I managed to get everyones present before December started. A good job done I'd say. I also got some lovely gift tags in the sale in January, this one is for Sarah. 

I know I've been such a bad blogger recently but I'm on a voyage to change that! For the rest of this year and next year I will be blogging much more because I've done it for years and years and I'd hate to stop now. 

Me and Lee went to center parcs at the weekend which was truly amazing and I wish I was still there. I stuffed my little face with all the treats I could desire so jesus knows what the scales will say tomorrow. And if your in ye old England then you'll be aware of the god awful floods in Cumbria. Guess where Center Parcs is... Guess what was cancelled... (all of the trains). So I had to go back to Manchester then get another train home yesterday which was awful, and stressful. Nice to be with Lee for extra days but not ideal circumstances. 

I break up from uni tomorrow for Christmas which makes me feel sick because I have so much to do and no time. I hate my project and it's like I'm in denial to do it. I've been at uni making my brother a tea pot for christmas and it's all I've cared about. Roll on 2016.

Happy Blipping

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