Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Accidents Happen

Looking at the title and the picture of my knees it really is suggesting some sort of drunken accident or like domestic abuse. I can assure you, it was neither. 

For the record my hand is bad too but trying to take a picture of that was tough. Anyways, I was in a car crash

Writing those words already feels like I'm over reacting when, believe me, I'm not. So this is what happened. 

My mum works in the cutest cycle cafe ever and every year they have this great party on where they all come and its decorated and they have cake. Obviously one person with like 25 people isn't so easy so I was going to help her, anyways we were running late. My old home is in the country so we were already being super careful as it is but my Dad, who was driving the car, is quite crafty at driving in the ice and he knows like the science of it all and the car and blah, we've had some close calls let me tell you. So basically we were driving out of my drive and down a suspiciously horrendous hill as its a big dip and a bit of a blind stop. Obviously they've lived there for about 100 years so he was aware of the dangers. Only takes one time. 

We were just happily driving along, I had just taken a selfie, when we hit a patch of black ice. I hadn't realised straight away why my dad had swerved, I thought there was an animal on the road or something. The next thing I knew we hit a bank where the road is and (I think) we some how flipped over and landed where we did. The sun roof above me broke on my hand so its all cut which is really gross, but by the end of all this tumbling I was upside down. Thank JESUS (and engineers) for seat belts  cause that was the only thing holding me up. I was upside down in my seat when I screamed to see if everyone else was okay, which thankfully they were. My dad got out first because he was worried some car would come zooming past and hit the car again which would suck really badly. Then I undid my belt and fell on my knees which was surprisingly high up let me tell you. That's when I saw my hand and was like in ultimate panic mode and I crawled out my window which had broken in order to help my mum who was stuck. I say stuck, her door wouldn't open and she couldn't figure out how to undo her belt. I tried to help but jeez I had no idea where it was. She eventually found it and crawled through to my dads side and honestly we were all happy to be alive and we were in shock as to what had just happened. You never think it's going to happen until its you, and your family. 

It's been a few days since it happened and my hand is scabbing up nicely and my knees are heeling but I bruise like a peach anyways. The car has been written off and we are getting another one of the same make because it saved us. 

But lets just get real for a sec, like I nearly died and my life flashed before my eyes. It was the most awful, terrifying and gut wrenching experience I have ever had. This isn't one of those things that go away. I've never been so scared to get into a car again in my life. I honestly have felt so down and rubbish the past couple of days from it all, today I feel better mainly because I spent most of last night whaling. Even now I can taste the chemicals that spilled and the dust from the glass against the road. 

I pray to all of you please be safe, I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. 

Happy Blipping.

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