Bird Watching

It was a bit of a drought at the water bowls this afternoon and the only birds I could see to photograph were the ones on CCN's mug!!  Actually I think we were a bit early for them as I noticed quite a few diving in and out of the bowls later on this evening.

We had a great morning starting off with a very pleasant morning tea with Mr and Mrs Beckett.  We love calling in because we're always made to feel so welcome.  I can assure you it's got nothing to do with Wendy's great slices and fruit cake that just seem to appear out of nowhere. :-)  If you believe that you'd believe anything.  Thanks T and W for a terrific catch up.  
Can't wait to return the favour.  I hear there's a bit of star gazing in the wind.

Tiny Tuesday Week 28
I've almost browsed through all of the Tiny Tuesday entries for week 28 and will post my deliberations tomorrow (Friday 11th).  Once again it's been a tough task.  Great to see so many new blippers names appearing this week in the challenge.  Obviously a lot of interest has been generated over the past few months.  Don't forget TT29 will be a Christmas Theme.

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