Stand together

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Surprising sunshine this evening, so my dad & I went for a walk, trying to ignore the black sky behind us! These two trees are beech. They're beautiful. They're the best of friends, standing there, together through thick & thin! (ok, so they have no choice, but...)

As for Larry:

Keeping out of it

It's been a day of finding photos. Perhaps I started all of this way too early. But it kept me occupied & reminded me of happier days. I backdated three shots today. I've decided to keep them limited, or perhaps, only post just a few a week.

5th January 2008 - Us girls

20th July 2007 - The Blackheath girls

15th August 2005 - Always happy together

Grief is a funny old thing. Sometimes I'm laughing, smiling, watching tv, not thinking about it, then suddenly out of the blue, it hits me & I'm crying. Talking about her now to friends is hard, as my lip wobbles & I have to stop. I've never cried in public, even to friends, ok, perhaps when I was little, but then, who didn't? But now I keep myself under control & if I do feel I have to, I run, like a child! lol xxx

P.S. What's WRONG with this Summer??? It's July!!!!!!

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