Christmas Light Abstract

Okay. Now I am completely hooked on PaintedCamera. What a cool app. Today I walked around the house taking photos with my iPhone using this app and I love what it can do. I posted some more on extras so you could see some other samples. I had a very hard time choosing which one to use as the blip. The tiger is a stained glass piece I made in 1990. The other two are my and Arvin's dressers. The stuff looks artistic instead of cluttered. All of these look best seen large.

I'm having a quiet day today and boy did I need it. Yesterday was a long and busy one with some strong emotions thrown into the mix. Now things are calmer. Steve is okay. Arvin is off at his little group. And I spent the morning playing with my  creativity. What could be bad?!?

When Arvin gets home we have a few errands to do and we are getting our haircuts. It's a bit early but I'm timing the appointments so we will get our hair done just before we leave on our trip in March. We are flying to Italy. Spending four days in Cinque Terre. Then taking a river boat from Nice to Paris. Our final week with be with our friends Ian and Jerien in Holland. Nice. This time I really do think it will be Arvin's last trip. I am actually a bit nervous about it but so was I the last two trips and they came out fine even with a couple of bumps along the way.

Meanwhile it is winter here and gray with a bit of rain. It has been raining quite a bit lately. And snowing which is good for the drought we had most of this and last year. So I am not complaining... much.

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