The woman with the pink umbrella

Now, lots of you asked if I was doing a pink theme or suggested I could do one. I didn't have a pink theme in mind, but today I found myself looking around for pink things. You're evil! Hahahaha! I won't call it a theme yet though... :)

So, yes, looking for pink things, I came across this woman, who had been sitting there on top of her luggage with her pink umbrella for quite a while. I saw her on my way to an appointment regarding a car accident I was involved in almost a year ago, but that's another story.... When I was heading back home, she was still there. These two gentlemen in kilts were trying to help her I think, I didn't hear the conversation. I wonder what the story was and if the lady is still sitting there. I hope she had a home to go to...

I was off today. The weather was crap and I spent most of the day catching up with stuff at home. I didn't go to the gym today because I had a sore shoulder. After my appointment, I did some food shopping, and that was my day. Not really that interesting.

Back to work tomorrow.

Thank you very much for all your nice comments! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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