Before the sun rose

Since the op, I get tired earlier than usual and then tend to wake earlier, even though there is no need to. This morning I looked out over Kawau Bay and realised that official sunrise was about ten to fifteen minutes away. Went out to the point where the flat part of our section suddenly drops away down the cliff towards the water below.

From there I was able to look southeast over Algies Bay and the old Scandrett Farm (now a regional park in development) to where the sky was showing the effects of the still to rise sun. After I took this photo, the sky became less colourful, and by the time the sun came above the peninsula, clouds obscured it.

S' mother has enjoyed her book of my bird photos, and today went through it with me (at her request) to point out which ones are her favourites. I am happy that she has found such pleasure in my photos.

I also showed her the photos which I took yesterday of the takapu (gannet), as although she has seen them she has not been sure if they might not have been gulls. By showing her what one looks like in a photo taken using a 300 mm lens, and that even with that magnification, identification is not easy until the photos are enlarged. She has pretty good eyesight for someone who will be 96 in February.

I have been thinking about the funding of Blipfuture, and am frustrated that I am not able to directly make a pledge at this time. Even to be a donor. I saw a comment on the latest Blipcentral post, where someone has "gifted" a share to overseas friends. Perhaps I could pledge to send enough for a share to one or more of my Welsh, English, Scottish, or European blip mates who could then pledge it to Blipfuture. For themselves.

Perhaps this is too complicated; I just feel that I would like to assist. I don't need to own a share, or have voting "rights" or any of those things that the laws of the EU (and maybe other countries as well) make not possible.

Just a thought

I've just remembered that today is the day of our summer solstice. So a sunrise photo is appropriate.

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