No Christmas Spirit!

This is one of my Beautiful presents from my Baby boy, burning a beautiful smelly wax. Love it.

What a day. Im not supposed to talk about work but I need to get it off my chest. (and will delete it in a few days!)

I worked hard in the morning. An emotional session but ended well. I then rushed to squeeze another one in so that a regular I have got to see their child as close to Christmas as possible. I worked through my lunch break knowing I wouldn't get paid for my lunch  half hour, to make sure I got there in time, but the M25 then the A3 had other ideas so I ended up 20 minutes late. The mother who was waiting said "good evening" as I arrived in a sarcastic comment (it was 2.30pm). When I tried to explain I was stuck in traffic, she told me I should have left earlier and proceeded to ignore me when I tried to explain. I dont normally get cross but I was bloody seathing!!!!! And wondered why I had bothered. I love my job and will go above and beyond to make things better so get particularly upset when confronted with comments like that. I hasten to add I shall be having Tuesday and Friday afternoons free in January now!!!! Someone else can have her!!!!!

Came home totally shattered, desperate for some time off. The count down is on!

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