Door annoyance continued!

I worked this morning and was surprised how many Christmas presents I could squeeze into my car - including 2 bikes!!!!

Then had an amazing feeling once I had dropped off knowing that was it until 4th Jan (except a quick work trip on the 30th). I have been counting down the days so a well earned break. We plan on doing absolutely NOTHING tomorrow except sleep, eat and drink. Perfect.

Then this evening we had a knock on the door. Remember the front door  saga??? The one where we wern't happy with the fitting of the door so I complained to the carpenter who then disappeared for 3 months without a word without fitting the back door?? Well it was only the bloody carpenters mate with a bottle of wine and 2 hand made Heart cushions with a Christmas card with a few dates he's free to fit the back door. One date in Feb, one in March and one in April!!! We've not heard a word from this man in 3 months!!! The bottle will remain unopened, the cushions unused and the Carpenter remains sacked!!!! Sod the Christmas spirit. That's not how you do business in my book!!!!

Anyway, heres the Heart back on the Front door....that we had to finish off!!!!!

Happy Christmas to you all and I promise not to moan anymore!

Ps. Yes, I did miss 3 blips but all backblipped now! Sorry.

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