High Tide

The boys were heading off to church and as it was such a lovely morning I headed out for a walk.  I discounted most of my local walks, as I knew they would be very wet and muddy.  That left a wander by the river.  It was full and had burst its banks in a few places, but I don’t think anyone has been flooded.  I was doing very well at keeping my feet dry until almost the end of the river path where I encountered a lake. It was impassable without wellies. I had to retrace my steps and then took a different path, which was sodden – resulting in wet feet.

After lunch we headed down the coast to Cove.  The tide was in and the waves were high, but we managed to keep dry.  We then headed up to Dunglass Church for a look around, before a wander round by Dunbar Harbour.  The harbour was very full (of water), with only a couple of small boats and the lifeboat bobbing around. We went over to the battery and watched the waves crashing on the harbour walls.

We then drove down to Belhaven bay to check out the bridge to the beach (see the last extra), before continuing on round the coast and taking a detour home via North Berwick.  This was a mistake, as we hit a flood.  No damage to us, but there is to the car.  TT is not a very happy chap tonight.

We may have wet things drying and another load of muddy stuff waiting to be washed, but at least this is nothing to what has happened elsewhere.  TT’s younger brother lives in York and the water has made it to his house.

Here is a wave hitting the harbour wall at Cove, with a couple of what happened next shots as extras.

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