No, dear horse, you did not. But you were so happy to have visitors walking by. Mischa, Piet Hein and me.
We drove to Beverungen in the morning. We went to buy the soft pink paint for Mischa's room. And from there it is only 5 km to Drenke, a little village up the hills.
The sun was shining, an excellent morning for a walk, one that we wanted to discover now for the first time. Imagine being on top of the world, seeing around you the hills, the valleys and some other villages in the distance.
A man came our way and of course we changed some words. He mentioned how happy he was to walk there, pointing to the horizon and saying that when the sky would be more clear one could see as far as Holzminden. Well, in our ears that sounded terribly far.
Our path turned and we climbed a bit higher and then slowly went down again. Above our heads a motorised paraglider moved along.
And then we came at a farm where two white goats were clearly awaiting us (in the extra photo) and a sweet horse too. There was another horse but that one kept to himself, standing in the door of the big barn.
A lot of cuddling before we walked further. We reached our car and drove home, satisfied with our trip in many ways.
In the afternoon Mischa and I painted one wall. Tomorrow we'll do the second.

My haiku:

Melting in your eyes
Warm breath in the cold weather
We will stay forever

And the proverb:

There is an hour wherein a man/woman might be happy all his/her life could he/she find it.

1651  Herbert  370.

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