Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


Zippy and I shared a few private moments at the hummingbird feeder.  I stood a mere two feet from him with my camera. Rather than his usual zipping in and out, he fluttered a bit as if to say, "Congratulations on sticking with it, Laurie.  Today you have hit your 1825th blip and you did it without any misses!"

Nothing has stood in the way of me getting a blip through the years.  Broken bones, surgeries, emergency rooms/911 calls, hospitalizations...always a blip!

Obviously, Blipfoto and the wonderful people I have met here mean the world to me.  It has opened my eyes to a world of Mother Nature's beautiful sights and creatures. Watching the Zipster and his pals even lowers my blood pressure!

It has carved out a space for me to escape a little bit every day from the physical, mental and emotional pain which I might otherwise be suffering. I can't imagine a world without Blip.

Unfortunately, I said that about another site I was a member of once.  It was a small social network site called Multiply.  It was acclaimed for having the best SN format, better than even Facebook.  I was there for five years, then it 'passed away' for financial reasons.  I was devastated.  Lost all of my friends.  Then I found Blipfoto. 

Please help me not go through it again.  Really, I won't bear it well.

I am not in the position to donate a lot of money to Blipfuture but I did pledge £100($148.17 12/31) There are currently only 62 days left to save our home and less than half of the money needed, £70946.39, has been pledged so far.  So today I am imploring you, if not for yourself...then for a disabled 61 yr old who lives in a (Republican!!) retirement town in Arizona (whose friends are her mother's age)...please go here to invest in Blipfuture!

It has been a wonderful five year ride.  I love each one of you so much I can barely hold back my tears in telling you.  You and this place are so special to me.  You have saved my life.

Thank you for everything.  ❤

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