Bleeding Edges ( ... or Impact and Aftermath ? )

5.9C and mostly dull and grey with a few rain showers mid morning. Light breeze.

Apothecary7's day off. We went into Dundee, had tea/coffee and croissants in M&S cafe, and bought a few groceries. The rain had started as we headed towards Dundee, so we didn't go walking in Dundee.

We drove through to Broughty Ferry and parked by the riverside. Since the rain was still on we left Maeve the Deerhound in the car and had a quick walk round part of the town stopping at the Oxfam shop where we each found a book. The entrances to a few of the closes in Broughty Ferry have good paint colours which sometimes lend themselves to interesting close up photos, so for Abstract Thursday I found some paintwork with bleeding edges and a textured crack to give me an image. We came back to the car along the riverside.

On the way home we stopped in Monifieth for a very quick visit to Tesco. The car park was madness !

After lunch we took Maeve the Deerhound for a walk. Just the two mile loop down the road to the shore and back round up the main road and then turning for home. It was a bit brighter and at least dry.

DMC-LX7 f/1.4 1/60 sec. ISO-400 5mm (35mm focal length 29mm)

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