The Senior Service Crew

The boys queuing up waiting for the Diggers to open? Actually, naw. Well after throwing out time and the dispatch of the last of the Glengoyne 15y.o. From the left, the illustrious crew - MrT, Frank, AJ, LMcC and MrW.
So, Hogmanay is upon us. The dying year to be ushered out. Early on I took a drive Musselburghwards to visit my old pal SM only to hear that he was in great pain and on his way to hospital. Poor guy. I'll think of him tonight.
After that I motored hither and yon, stopping off for a fiddle at the boat and also picking up a steak pie and a couple of ring spanners. No, no, they're unconnected. I'm assured it's the tenderest Borders steak. Or is it Borders's steak? Given that Borders is a singular region, I'm not sure. Borders' steak? Oh Lordy, unfinished business at this time of year.
Right, I'll bid you adieu - have a great time, all, and I'll see you on the other side.

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