In need of a New Year's Resolution?

Are you still in need a New Year's resolution , able to fund an amount of money and do you love Blip? Then pledge  to Blip ! How? See here: BlipFuture Equity Crowdfunding

One of my own New Year's Resolutions is doubling the amount I've pledged to BlipFuture, and as you see even my squirrel is in with pledging ;-)

This will be my 1033th consecutive blip since I started my Blip journal at the beginning of March 2013. We had moved into our new rented house in Belgium that January, coming from Singapore where I had been working in my dream job, leading a very successful and active volunteer organisation with thousands of members involved with heritage, art, history and culture and with guiding at all Singapore museums. We had to move because of my husband's job which took him to Belgium this time. Now I was back to being a housewife, no work, no children at home and with the prospect of a very bleak health condition. And it was the coldest winter ever, such a contrast with the Singaporean warmth...  I was utterly depressed. I knew several of my Open University friends had been Blipping for years, so I decided to finally follow their example and start a Blip account to get myself out of this dark place. Almost 3 years later I'm much happier and Blipping has certainly helped to get me there. I would hate to see it go because we as the Blip community couldn't save it. Please, if you haven't pledged yet, but are able to fund, even if only a tiny amount, do it today, this week, this month! Imagine what you would lose if Blip ceased to exist!

My other New Year's Resolution is actually quite simple, I will do my utmost to stop worrying about things I can't change and start doing something about the things I can change and meanwhile live my life to the fullest again. This past year I have seen, heard and experienced so much sadness about people dying, either by sudden or lingering illnesses, accidents or violence that I have come to the conclusion that we or in any case I owe it to those who have died to continue to live as well as I can and be kind as much as I can.

Thank you for reading this, thank you for your support and I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy 2016 and hope that we can save Blip and give it its BlipFuture

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